Monday, April 8, 2013

An So It Goes

Work and been slow but spread out through the week enough so that life still seems full with no room for those creative endeavors that awaken my soul.  Illness has kept me from singing much.  But the vibration of singing seems to soothe and clear the chest.  More toning and singing and drumming and walking will replant vitality in this chest.

A lovely local store in Sebastopol, Art+Life, recently put on a Community Art Day -- masses of collage material and paper and glue and camaraderie.  I stopped by to look in and the pull to put image to paper was strong.  I ended up with a couple of pieces:  First one I called Dragon Jewel.

And the second is called Mud Dancer:

Cat, the owner of Art+Life, took our images as we finished and clipped them on a clothes line with clothes pins and took photos.  They were like prayer flags.   It felt good to be peeling glue off my fingers and playing with composition.  Art+life says they will be putting on more Community Art Days -- the group energy was great, really carried the art lightly and sweetly. 

Heading for a silent retreat soon, but creativity will abound in that framework as well.